Archive for April, 2009

Auditive Assaults

Posted in Auditive Assaults on April 7, 2009 by voiceofvinland

Opfer Rassenhass – Fierté Ancestrale

Octobre -Terre Souillée

Tyranath – We Create

More to come…


Posted in Propaganda on April 6, 2009 by voiceofvinland

News: A brand new label has emerged, Skaldic Forge Productions. Show your support:

Nouvelle: Un nouveau label est apparu, Skaldic Forge Productions.
Montrez votre soutiens:

News: Tyranath, ”Heathen Heart” full length album, released as Independant possibly this year!

Nouvelle: Tyranath, ”Heathen Heart”. Premier album sortira possiblement cette année (Indépendant).

Interview with Vjohrrnt V. Wodansson of Fjörd

Posted in Interviews on April 6, 2009 by voiceofvinland

Français:  (English version below)

VOV : Hailsa Wodansson! Merci pour ton temp. Allons directement au but. Peut-tu nous faire une brève introduction de ton groupe pour ceux qui ne le connaîtrais pas et nous faire part de ce qui t’a inspirer à fonder un projet Folk Metal?

W : Hailsa VOV! Fjörd est une formation de folk-métal au concept Odiniste Traditionnelle fondé vers la fin de 2256 de l’ère runique. Orgoth (guitares, basse) et moi même (chants, percussions, guimbarde, bodram, cuillères) en sont les deux seuls membres a ce jour. Nous n’avons pour l’instant qu’une seule parution: VINLANDIC NORTHERN HERITAGE qui consiste à être un cdr promo en prévision de l’album complet. Celui ci approche sa réalisation finale bientôt. Il sera intitulé “VOR TRU” qui signifie “en ceci je crois”, du vieux Norrois. Cet album sera produit par Totenkopf Propaganda rec. en Grèce.

Fjörd est en fait une création spontané alors que nous étions au studio et que j’avais quelque idées de chants folklorique en tète. Nous avons tout simplement improvisé de la musique pour les accompagner et le résultat fut très satisfaisant. En environ 5-6 heures nous avons composé la musique, les paroles, trouvé le nom, dessiné le logo et tout enregistrer et mixer le mcd VNH. L’éclair d’inspiration de Wotan était avec nous. Et le resta depuis. La simplicité de notre musique n’est pas nécessairement du a notre capacité limitée en tant que musicien, mais plutôt a notre volonté de faire ce genre particulier de musique que nous avons nommé “Norse Folk-Metal”. Nous n’avons jamais prétendu avoir réinventé la roue, mais nous ne sommes pas intéressés non plus à le faire. Nous croyons que la musique qui véhicule la plus grande force est celle qui vient du cœur et non celle qui vient du talent musical. Plusieurs formations passeront 3 mois sur une seule chanson pour la peaufiner et la rendre originale a l’oreille du publique alors que l’âme de la chanson a complètement disparu derrière une muraille de complexité et d’arrangements inutiles. Nous avons opté pour l’essence même de la musique folk-metal païenne selon notre vision et pour cela notre musique est chargée d’énergie presque palpable. Une écoute et vous comprendrez.

VOV : Tu as parlé de votre premier album, Vor Tru, qui sortira très bientôt. À quoi ressembleras ce nouvel assaut? Sera-t-il dans la même ligné que votre démo ou est-ce que nous pouvons nous attendre a quelques surprise?

W : des titres de notre promo se retrouve sur l’album mais légèrement modifié. The calling et Shores of Vinland. Le reste des chansons sont des nouveautés. Il y aura 10 titres; 9 métal et une folklorique, pour une durée de presque 1 heure. Sur l’album nous y avons ajouté des instruments folks tels la guimbarde, flutes, cuillères, bodram (tambour shamanique), quelque chant féminin, etc. Bien sur le son est bien plus puissant. Nous avons un meilleur équipement et Orgoth sais de plus en plus comment s’en servir. Donc attendez vous à un « gros son » lourd a multiple guitares. On se rapproche plus la du genre de son a la Nordland croisé avec Blood Fire Death de Bathory. Mais cet évolution au niveau du son n’est pas pour dénigrer le son plus « old school » de notre promo qui d’ailleurs n’est lui-même pas intentionnelle pour être «kult ». Mais pour notre genre de musique qui se rapproche de la marche guerrière épique au doom viking, nous avons cru qu’il nous fallait un son plus large et qui déplace de l’air comme la tempête du nord. On reconnaîtra le son particulier de Fjörd mais seulement plus puissant et défini.

Les vocaux sont le même style également. Chants clair avec multiple chœurs d’accompagnements. Mais je me suis permis quelque passage plus poussé au niveau de la voie. Vous verrez bien à l’écoute. Nos femmes feront également leurs apparitions aux chants sur des chansons attribuées selon leur ton de voies.

Musicalement, les nouvelles chansons sont fidèles au genre Norse Folk-Metal. Un mélange de folk traditionnel, de mid-tempo pesant, de mélodies folks entrainantes et de doom écrasant et épique. Malgré les changements, ou plutôt évolutions, nous sommes demeuré le même Fjörd qu’avant avec des créations simpliste mais remplis d’énergie et possédant une âme.

VOV : Excellent! Parlons un peut de spiritualité. Pour ta part, quelle est l’essence spirituelle de Fjord? Outre l’Odinisme, quels idées et valeurs veux-tu véhiculer avec ce groupe?

W : Je dois préciser ici avant tout que Orgoth ne ce considère pas comme « Odiniste » ou païen religieux au même niveau que moi-même. Orgoth suis une vois plus Nietzschienne de volonté de puissance mais a grand respect pour toute les valeurs nordique. L’aspect plus religieux de Fjörd émane uniquement de met croyances comme Odiniste.

Fjörd est une manifestation musicale des principes et valeurs traditionnel de l’Odinisme, qui est la croyance spirituelle et culturelle des peuples du nord de l’Europe. A travers les paroles mais également comme parti intégrante de la musique même (mais à un niveau autre que l’ouïe humaine), nous transmettons ces valeurs ancestraux au fils et filles de Wotan peu importe ou ils se trouvent sur Midhgardhr. Vous demandez quel autres idées et valeurs voulons nous véhiculer, pour moi il n’y en a pas d’autres hors de ce que la tradition primordial, la sagesse de Wotan, nous transmet. Honneur, courage, force, intégrité, sagesse, hospitalité, et tous autres des vertus de noblesse nordique font parti de l’enseignement du Père-de-tous. Par le Havamàl, toutes valeurs pouvant être bénéfique pour notre peuple est transmis.

Et c’est ce qui est le plus important en fait. Tellement de groupes de viking metal, ou folk metal ou pagan metal se forment uniquement pour produire des cds de musique avec de belle pochette viking et faire des spectacles haut en couleur mais n’ont pas vraiment d’essence païenne en tant que tel. C’est tout de même mieux que le satanisme ou la fausse misanthropie ou encore le nihilisme qui selon moi ne sont que des régurgitations de décadence moderne d’individus sans identité propre voulant paraître froid et ténébreux. Mais il y a bien plus que l’apparence païenne pour en faire un groupe avec une quelqu’onque substance. Eux font parti de ceux qui sont à la base de l’intérêt que portent les jeunes au paganisme. Ensuite, il y a les formations comme Graveland, Eliwagar, Reginherjar, Sowilo, Kroda, Piorun, et Fjörd faisant parti de cette catégorie qui eux vont bien au delà du simple concept viking et apporte la spiritualité ethnique des divers peuples d’Europe. Pour moi, une musique sans message positif pour notre peuple est une musique inutile et qui ne sers qu’à divertir la masse. Si une seule personne qui à travers notre musique redécouvre le chemin de son héritage culturel, nous n’aurions alors point créé Fjörd pour rien.

VOV : Je voix ce que tu veux dire, il y a beaucoup trop de groupe sois-disant Païens qui en faite n’ont rien de vraiment Païens sauf l’étiquette qu’ils donnent à leurs musiques. Crois-tu que la monté en popularité du faux Paganisme est nuisible ou au contraire, une porte d’entré vers les vrais valeurs Païennes (ceux qui ose chercher plus loin découvre ce qui ce cache derrière l’image)?

W : Justement comme je disais plus haut, il y a deux effets à cette situation : l’un négatif et l’autre positif. Le négatif est que grand nombre de ces groupes affiche une image complètement faussé du véritable paganisme intégral. Ils passent un message désuet et donc les jeunes captent une interprétation faussée de l’Odinisme. Pas nécessairement avec des casques a cornes, mais plutôt, avec des messages humaniste et universaliste de paganisme inter mondialiste sans considération pour l’héritage raciale de chaque peuple.
L’homme d’Orient a son propre passé de fier guerriers samurai et son code Bushido. L’amérindien a sa tradition shamanique qui est une des plus spirituelle encore de nos jours parmi les traditions païenne. Le noir d’origine Africaine a son animisme tribal. Chaque peuple possède sa tradition religieuse qui est celle spécifiquement adapté pour les membres de cette ethnie particulière. Alors pourquoi aller voir ailleurs? Ces groupes de musique (et il y a également certaine organisations qui font de même) ne font guère autre choses que brouiller la vérité. Ils offrent une vision multiculturelle d’un Odinisme sans identité ethnique, donc, sans passé ni avenir. Mais ca fait vendre des albums ca c’est sur. Et les jeunes achètent des Mjollnirs sans vraiment savoir pourquoi ou ce que cela veux dire. Ils boivent dans des cornes dans les pagan fests et régurgite des HAIL! Tout en se prenant en photos avec leur cellulaire avec leur maquillage à la Turisaz.

Mais le coté positif de toute cette mascarade existe. Toute cette fausse image du paganisme (Odinisme, Celtique, Slave, etc.) sers tout de même a apporté un début d’intérêt chez les jeunes. Il ne faut pas sa le cacher, plusieurs des jeunes qui s’intéresses au paganisme de nos jours est a cause des groupes de musique. La musique est une excellente propagande idéologique alors pourquoi pas s’en servir? Alors le jeune achete l’album d’Amon Amarth (l’un des plus merdiques des bands vikings), il trouve ca bien bon et lit les paroles. De la il trouve les vikings forts et guerriers et cela viens chercher son coté « macho » qui a l’adolescence est en phase de développement qu’en a son identité de mâle. Il se cherche des archétypes de guerriers, d’homme viril, d’armes et de violence. Ca commence « amateurement » comme ca. Plus tard si le jeune n’a pas décroché pour un autre trend plus cool, il peu commencer à recherché plus loin. Derrière les épées, les boucliers et les cornes de bières, il y a des dieux et déesses, il y a des rituels, d’autres symboles sacré que le marteau de Thor, etc. La advient la phase la plus importante ou le jeune en questionnement dois être bien encadré et être guidé sur le bon chemin ou il se perdra.

En tant que Godhi, c’est la que je peu intervenir (si on me le demande) pour guider, non pas dire quoi faire et ordonner, celui ou celle qui désire réellement approfondir le sujet et redécouvrir son héritage ancestral. Car c’est a cette période de questionnement que la plupart des jeunes vont voir sur le net et sur wikipédia rechercher des informations. Le gros danger de tout ca est qu’ils risquent de tomber sur toute sorte de foutaises et ils auront une mauvaise vision de l’Odinisme. Alors comme vous voyez, il y a quand même une bonne chose qui peu venir de ces groupes qui vendent le paganisme pas cher a la masse; l’intérêt initiale, par la suite cet a chacun de voir si il ou elle entend l’écho de la grande corne de bronze en son intérieure et cherche à trouver sa source.

VOV : Parlant de trends et de mouvement, tu as longtemps été associé au NSBM. Que pense-tu de l’évolution du mouvement et de ce qu’il est aujourd’hui? Est-t-il important pour toi de garder une certaine association avec cette scène, autant avec Fjord qu’avec tes autres projets? Et puis, quelle est ton opinion sur tous ces nouveaux groupes (souvent clichés) qui joignent les rangs du mouvement?

W : Je vais commencer par préciser la position de Fjörd dans tout ca : Fjörd n’est PAS une formation NS. Fjörd est une entité païenne fier de son héritage et promouvant un message pro-identitaire de culture européenne a travers le médium de sa musique.

Si on parle d’évolution a partir des premiers albums de Burzum qui s’affichait NS a l’époque, le mouvement a grandi considérablement. Positivement? Oui et non également. La croissance exponentielle de groupes NS ou affiliés à certes aidé à promouvoir les idéaux de droite a un publique toujours grandissant parallèlement, mais comme avec toute chose qui crois trop vite et sans moyen de dépistage des éléments plus néfastes, le message actuel peu être distortionné par rapport a son concept originel. L’avènement du NSBM a créé un vaste raz-de-marée médiatique tant sur le net que dans les magasines, les journaux et a la télé. Ceci a permis de faire passer certains messages de conscience raciale et identitaire, mais cela a aussi attiré l’attention de ceux pour qui tout ce qui se rattache à ces concepts n’est que de la « haine gratuite » et sans fondement. Ce n’est pas de la haine de tout étranger, mais de l’amour de sa propre race. Il y a une subtile différence ici, et il faut savoir la discerner. Souvent les groupes NSBM ne font que de la propagande de haine, de guerre, de meurtre, de cataclysme, de génocide etc., mais ou son les messages constructif d’amour de son peuple, de sa famille, de cet enfants, d’entraide entre frères, de respect de la femme, d’éducation des jeunes, etc.? Il y a bien plus que la destruction et la mort aux concepts NS vous savez.

Il y a aussi que bien des groupes ne se forment que pour cracher leurs frustrations personnelles du monde à un public déjà conditionné à écouter sans broncher. Mais y a-t-il un réel message derrière? Non. A part vociférer Heil Hitler, white power et afficher des swastikas et des photos de tanks, de juifs morts et de soldats nazis déjà utiliser 1 million de fois, il n’y a pas grand choses. Il faut comprendre que si leurs but est de propager un vrai message en faveur pour le NS et la race a un public qui n’et pas déjà éveillé, il leurs faudra une meilleur tactique, car montrer seulement de tels images ne fera que les effrayer et les éloigner. La masse n’est pas réceptive à ce genre de chose. Si vous voulez leurs faire ouvrir les yeux sur leurs origines il leur faut un message plus lumineux, propre et apporté d’une manière qui les fera réfléchir sérieusement, non pas les faire vous dénoncer à ZOG comme étant un malade mental. Je sais que ce genre de discours n’est pas très populaire chez ceux qui ne vois pas plus loin que le superficielle et la controverse a tout prix. Même moi j’ai par le passé écris des textes d’une dureté peu comparable, mais j’ai appris depuis, que met écris passaient outre. Certain trouvaient ca super radical, mais ca n’allait pas plus loin, donc ca ne servais a rien de positif pour la race comme je le croyais.

Donc, la croissance du NSBM, comme pour le pagan metal, a du bon et du mauvais. Il faut seulement savoir comment faire passer son message, et être conscient que nous sommes responsable de nos actions, nos écris et le message que nous diffusons. Il faut savoir de quoi on parle et quoi on affiche comme imagerie. J’ai moi-même encore des contactes avec des gens qui se disent purement NS, mais moi je n’en suis pas un. Je sui savant tout un Homme blanc fier de ces origines Européenne et éveillé a son héritage culturelle et religieux : l’Odinisme Traditionnelle. Le NS pour moi est limité et fais en parti, parti du modernisme. Le concept Nationaliste et de droite oui car c’est une idée traditionnelle, mais le Socialisme par contre ne l’est pas. Le danger du socialisme est qu’il a tendance à mener vers le début de l’humanisme à grande échelle. Comme dans les sociétés traditionnelles, le concept de « clans » ou de « tribus » était très fort. Les membres d’un clan se supportaient entre eux pour la survie du clan. Le socialisme semble à la base prôner la même chose mais pourtant les juifs on poussé cette idée et l’on élargie de tel que il n’y a plus de limite quand au degré de « socialisme » devrions nous promouvoir. Il faut comprendre que ce n’est pas tout les éléments à l’intérieur d’une race particulière qui sont digne de support. Pour moi-même, un bon majeur parti des blancs devraient être éliminés pour faire un peu de ménage. Après tout, ce n’est pas uniquement la couleur de la peau qui fait d’un individu une part intégrante de son ethnie distincte. Il n’y rien de aryen dans tout ces « wiggers » minable, émulateur de culture noire. Non. Moi je suis un fervent défenseur de l’ethno national tribalisme. Le regroupement en clans ou tribus de membre d’une même ethnie qui sont digne de se prétendre de tel, et qui sont éveillé à leurs traditions ancestral. Voila l’avenir de notre race.

VOV : Quel est l’avenir de Fjord? À part votre premier album, avez vous d’autres projets? Ou peut-être a-tu des projets de ton coté dont tu aimerais bien parler?

W : Pour Fjörd, l’avenir s’annonce bien. Nous avons déjà des maquettes de chansons pour le second album et même pour le 3iemme. J’ai également pour ma part tout les textes d’écris ainsi que les mélodies folklorique de chants de base pour un album folk exclusivement, seulement acoustique et instruments folk, que j’aimerais bien produire éventuellement. Un genre de Fjörd unplugged si on peu dire. Nous avons déjà un modèle de chandail de produit par Deaths Abyss rec. en Pologne (encore disponible) et un nouveau modèle sera produit sous peu par ODIN’S WARRIORS, une entreprise de promotion pro-païen/identitaire créé par Nordet et moi-même.

De mon coté je performe également dans SOWILO qui est un groupe de folk traditionnel avec quelque touches de guitare métal. Nous avons déjà plusieurs chansons d’écrites et disponible sur notre profile myspace. Une promo MCD sera produite par nous même sous peu également avant l’album complet. La je chante et joue les percussions et guimbarde. Ma compagne Embla y chante également et joue de la flute, ainsi que mon frère Nordet (Brumes d’automne) qui chante, joue de la guitare acoustique et métal et flute, et sa compagne Marzanna qui chante et joue de la flute aussi. Sowilo est très axé sur les valeurs famililale, la transmission des valeurs traditionnelles, les rites ancestraux des saisons, etc. La musique est très shamanique et ritualistique. Nous chantons en français et Polonais (Marzanna est polonaise, donc par respect pour sa culture).

VOV : Avant de terminer, parlons de politique si tu le veux bien. En tant que Québécois, que pense tu du Nationalisme au Québec et de sa présence de plus en plus importante dans le métal Québécois? Crois-tu en l’indépendance du Québec (obtenue avec l’aide d’un bon parti politique bien-sure)?

W : Voila la question a 100 dollars et donc la réponse ne plais pas toujours a tout le monde.

Pour répondre adéquatement a cette question, il faut tout d’abord définir ce qu’est le nationalisme au Québec. Si on pense par exemple au genre de nationalisme de fête de Saint-Jean, qui n’est maintenant guère plus qu’une excuse pour faire le party, se défoncer sur de la drogue, se souler a mort, vomir et parader les rues avec une fleur de Lys peint sur le front et un drapeau du Québec comme cape de super héro, alors je passe. Il n’y a absolument rien de nationaliste dans tout ca. Il y va de même avec ces gauchistes rouges qui manifestent contre le G8 et la mondialisation, aucuns problèmes avec ca, mais ils manifestent également contre la fierté identitaire, communément étiqueté par les communistes comme : racisme. Et nous savons que le concept de « racisme » ou plus exactement, l’amour et la défense de sa propre race est un concept traditionnel, comme le Nationalisme. Donc ils sont anti-traditionnels, ce qui pour moi est inconcevable et inacceptable. Pourtant ils osent se prétendre « patriote », et fièrement Québécois. Ils évitent le terme nationaliste car pour eux cet égale à être Nazi. Cela aussi est du faux nationalisme.

Le véritable nationalisme identitaire Québécois se retrouve dans l’âme de l’Homme et la Femme qui reconnaît son appartenance a une ethnie distincte (Européen-blanc d’origine), et l’assume fièrement même si il ou elle vie ici sur une terre lointaine de celle de cet ancêtres. Il vie dans le cœur de ceux qui on comprit que ce n’est pas uniquement la citoyenneté qui fait d’un individu un membre a part entière d’une nation et que cette même nation ne doit pas son existence simplement au nombre d’individus qui la constitue. Tous les individus d’une même nation doivent être liés par le sang et une culture commune.

Ici au Qc., on ose proclamer patriote de l’année des étranger comme Luck Mervil, un Haitien de souche, donc un Africain d’origine. Et des groupes de « white trash » comme Loco Locass. Pour la masse, ils sont tous aussi québécois pure laine que vous et moi. Donc vous voyez que le concept de nationalisme n’a guère de valeur ici. Aussitôt qu’un étranger débarque ici on lui fait signer un contrat, on lui menace de voter « NON » aux élections (si non, c’est la déportation), et on lui donne son chèque de BS, et voila, un citoyen Québécois a 100% tout comme les premiers colons Français qui on du combattre les rudes hivers et les anglais jadis.

Maintenant au sujet de l’indépendance du Québec. Oui je crois que le Québec devrait devenir une nation autonome. Mais pas par la politique. A mon avis, aucun parti politique n’est digne de confiance. Ni le PQ, ni le NPD, surtout pas les Libéraux et encore moins le parti communiste. Certain sont moins pire que d’autres mais ils sont juste ca : moins pire. Le vieux dicton dit que le pouvoir corrompe et que le pouvoir absolu corrompe absolument. Et bien c’est vrai dans le cas de tous les partis politique au Qc. La seule manière que je peu voir pour avoir notre indépendance est la violence à travers une révolution armée. Comme dans le cas de la plupart des nations qui se sont formé dans l’histoire; par le feu et le sang. Et avec la mentalité de pâte molle libéral défenseur des pauvres minorités ethnique tout en négligent son propre peuple, de notre gouvernement actuelle, ce n’est pas près d’arrivé sous peu. Je serai bien mort et festoyant au Valhalla quand le peuple Québécois de souche européenne se réveillerons et prendrons les armes pour leur liberté.

Pour ce qui est des groupes de BM ici, il est vrai que la tendance Nationaliste grandi. Pour moi le premier exemple d’un peu de politique nationaliste fut dans le premier album de Frozen Shadows : Dans les bras des immortelles (1999), ou ils on écrit « Black metal purement québécois » ou du genre. Mais leur concept satanico-nihiliste vient contredire pourtant l’idée d’une fierté identitaire. Donc la première véritable démonstration de fierté québécoise et patriotique bien enraciné fut BRUMES D’AUTOMNE avec leur album : Fier et Victorieux en 2005. Depuis, la scène (je hais se terme) abonde de groupes proclamant une identité québécoise par leur musique, leur titre d’album, etc. Vas savoir si tous de ces groupes sont intègres a 100%, cet entre eux et leurs conscience. Certain on, quand a moi, le douteux mélange de nationalisme et nihilisme antihumain contradictoire, et ils devraient clarifier leurs position. Cet un peu comme les sataniques nazis. Cet un non sens absolu. L’un aspire à des concepts lumineux et l’autre aux ténèbres. Le supérieur (lumineux) et l’inférieur (ténèbres) ne font pas bon ménage. La scène québécoise a du bon potentiel en effet, en autant que les groupes soi clair et précis sur leur message et ne font pas juste suivre une mode.

VOV : – Encore une fois merci pour ton temps. La fin t’appartient!

W : Merci à vous pour cette entrevue qui est la première en fait que Fjörd fait ici au Québec. De bonnes questions pertinentes et sérieuses, ce n’est pas toujours le cas. Préparez vous pour l’album de Fjörd qui arrive, ca va déferler sur Midhgardhr tel la tempête du nord. Réveillez vous a votre héritage païen nordique et renier toute fausseté décadente comme le nihilisme, l’athéisme et le satanisme qui ne sont que des symptômes du modernisme abjecte. Soyez fort dans vos convictions et vos idéaux. Et que W.O.T.A.N. vous guide et vous garde. Vor Tru!

Questions par: HK et C.


VOV: Hailsa Wodansson! Thanks for your time. Let’s go straight to the goal . Can you give us a brief introduction of your band for those who might not know it and tell us what inspired you to start a Folk Metal project?

W: Hailsa VOV! Fjörd is a folk-metal formation with a concept based on Traditional Odinism. It was formed towards the end of 2256 of the runic era. Orgot (guitars, bass) and myself (vocals, percussions, mouth harp, bodram, cuillères) are to date the only two members. We have thus far produced a promotional mcd called “VINLANDIC NORTHERN HERITAGE”. This was in preview for the upcoming full length album which will be titled “VOR TRU” which means “in this I believe” in Old Norse. This album will be released through Totenkops Propaganda rec in Hellas.

Fjörd is in fact a spontaneous creation as we were in the studio and I had ideas for folkloric chants that I wanted to work with and so simply improvised some metal music over it and the result was quite astonishing. Within about 5 to 6 hours we had composed, rehearsed, wrote lyrics, found a name, drew a logo, recorded and mixed everything. The spark of inspiration from Wotan was truly with us and it never left. The simplicity of our music is not due to our limited capacity as musicians but rather by choice. We chose to name our music “Norse Folk-Metal”. Never had we pretended to having created something original and we do not necessarily desire to do so. We believe that the music which conveys the strongest might is that which comes from the heart, not from ones musical talent. Many formations will pass over 3 months on just one song so it is embellished and original to the public ear, but the soul will have disappeared behind a wall of complexity and useless arrangements. We have chosen the very essence of folk-metal music as we see it and because of this our music is charged with energy, almost tangible. One listen and you will understand.

VOV: You spoke about your first album, Vor Tru, which should be out soon. What will this album sound like? Will it be in the same vain as your demo or can we expect some surprises?

W: 2 of the titles from our promo appear on our full album: The calling and Shores of Vinland. The rest of the songs are new ones. There will be 10 song sin all; 9 metal and 1 folk for about 1 hour in time. We have added a few folk instruments such as mouht harp, bodram (sort of shamanic drum) flute, cuillères, etc and a few female voices. Our sound is of course much more powerful. We have better equipment for recording and Orgoth is getting better each day at it. We are getting closer to the Nordland and Blood Fire Death type of sound from Bathory. But our evolution sound wise is not meant to downplay our “old school” mix we ad on our promo, which itself was not like this just to be “kult”. But for our genre of music which is near the warlike march, epic and Viking doom, nous believed that we needed a bigger sound and one that blows like the northern storm. You will recognize the particular sound of Fjörd, only more powerful and defined.

The vocals are the same style as before. Clear singing with multiple choirs. But I permitted myself to experience a few things with my voice. You will see. Our women have also added their voices to a few songs, each specific songs selected according to their voice range.

Musically, the new songs remain true to the Fjör’s Norse Folk-Metal genre. Amix of traditional folk, of thunderous mid-tempo, catchy folkloric melodies and crushing epic doom. Despite the changes, or rather, the evolution, we are still the same Fjörd as before, with simplistic creations filled with energy and possessing a soul.

VOV: Excellent! Let’s speak about spirituality a little. On your side, what is the spiritual essece of Fjord? A part from Odinism, what are the ideas and values you want to share with this band?

W: I must specify here first tat Orgoth does not consider himself as an Odinist nor heathen as I do. Orgoth walks a more Nietzschean path of will to power, but understand and hold high respect for all Nordic values. Fjörd’s religious aspect emanates solely from me.

Fjörd is a musical manifestation of the principles and values of Odinism which is the ethnic spiritual and cultural belief of the peoples of northern Europe. Through the lyrics as well as an integral part of the music itself, only at a different sphere of understanding, we transmit these ancestral values to the sons and daughters of Wotan no matter where they may be on Midhgardhr. You are asking what other ideals and values we desire to transmit, for me, there are none other than those of the primordial tradition, Wotan’s wisdom, transmit us. Honour, courage, strength, integrity, wisdom, hospitality, and all other virtues of nobility are part of the teachings of the All-Father. Through the Havamàl, all values beneficial to our folk and transmitted.

And that is what is the most important in fact. So many bands of Viking metal, folk metal or pagan metal are forming only to produce cds with nice Viking covers and play live with impressive stage props but have no real heathen spirit to begin with. It is nonetheless better than those satanic and falsely misanthropic and nihilist bands that are as far as I am concerned are regurgitated filth of modern decadence trying to appear grim and evil. But there is much more than “the heathen look” to have actual substance. Those belong to the bands that initiate the first spark of interest in youth towards paganism. Then there are those formations like Graveland, Eliwagar, Reginerjar, Sowilo, Kroda, Piorun, and Fjörd who are part of that category that goes far beyond the simple Viking concept to bring the ethnic spirituality of the various tribes of Europe. For me, music devoid of any positive message for our folk is useless and serves only to entertain the masses. If only one person through our music rediscovers the path to his ancestral heritage, we would have not formed Fjörd in vain.

VOV: I know what you mean, there’s too much so-called Pagan band that in fact has nothing Pagan except for the name they give to their music. Do you think that the rise of popularity of Paganism is bad or on the opposite, a good gateway towards real Paganism (those who search deeper can find the true path)?

W: Indeed, as I was saying before, there are two effects to this situation: one is negative and the other positive. The negative one is that a great number of those bands deliver a completely falsified image of true integral paganism. They propagate an obsolete message and so the youth get the wrong idea of Odinism. Not necessarily because of horned helmets, but rather with humanitarian and universalist messages of a one-world type of paganism without any consideration for the racial heritage of each people.

The man from the East has his on past with proud samurai warriors and their Busido code. The Native Indian from America, has his shamanic tradition, which is one of the most spiritually oriented these days. The black man from Africa has his tribal animism beliefs. Each people possess its own religious tradition which is specifically adapted for the members of that particular ethnic group. So why go elsewhere? These bands (and there are also some organisations) are doing not much but blurring the truth. They offer a multicultural vision of Odinism without any ethnic identity, thus, without a pass nor a future. But it sure sells albums. And the youth buy Mjollnirs without even knowing what it truly represent and why. They drink in horns and barf HAIL! At pagan fests while taking pictures of their Turisaz wannabe mane-up with their cell-phones.

But the positive side of this entire masquerade exists. All this false imagery of paganism (Odinisn, Celtic, Slavic, etc.), serve nonetheless to initiate the beginning of an interest to the youths. We cannot ignore the fact that many youngsters that are interested in paganism today are because of musical bands. Music is an excellent tool of propaganda so why not use it? So that youth buys an Amon Amarth (one of the worst Viking band out there), album and likes it, then he reads the lyrics. From there, he finds Vikings to be strong warriors and this reaches to his macho side which, as a teen, is in its phase of development as to his male identity. The boy searches for archetypes of warriors, virility, weapons, violence. It starts sort of amateurish, then later on, if the youth didn’t drop it for a cooler trend, he will research further into the subject. Behind the swords and shields, the horns and the beer, there are gods and goddesses, rituals and other sacred symbol beside the Thor’s Hammer. There comes the most crucial part where the youth must be well managed and properly guided on the right path or he will get lost.

As Godhi, there is where i can intervene (if asked too), to guide, not order and command, he or she who truly desire to delve deeper into the matter of its ancestral heritage. Because it is at this period of self-questioning that most youth go browse the net looking for answers on Wikipedia. The great danger of all this is that they take the risk to fall on all sorts of nonsense and they will get the wrong vision of Odinism. So as you can see, there is still a good thing that can come out from those bands who sell paganism cheap to the masses; the initial interest, then after it is to each individual to know if he or she hears the echo of the bronze horn within and seeks to find its source.

VOV: Speaking of trends and movement, you have been associated with the NSBM scene for a long time. What do you think of the evolution of the movement and what it has become nowadays? Is it important for you to keep a certain association with this scene, as much with Fjord and with other projects? As well, what’s your opinion on all these new bands (often cliché) that joins the ranks?

W : I will begin my clearing up Fjörd’s position in all this: Fjörd is NOT an NS band. Fjörd is a heathen entity proud of its heritage and promoting pro-European identity culture through the medium of its music.

If we speak of evolution since the first Burzum albums that showed NS affiliation back then, the movement grew considerably. Positively? Yes and no. The expediential growth of NS or affiliate bands certainly did help to promote the right winged ideals to an ever growing public, but as with so many other things that grow too fast and without means to screen for the more negative elements, the actual message can be distorted compared to its original concept. The event of NSBM created a tidal wave of attention in the media, in news paper, magazines, on te net and on TV. This permitted to pass certain messages of racial awareness, but it also brought the attention of those who for them, anything remotely associated with these concepts are nothing but “vulgar hatred”, without foundation. It is not about hatred of everything that is foreign; it’s about the love of your own race. There is a subtle difference here and we must be able to discern it. Often, the NSBM bands only promote hatred, war, murder, cataclysm, genocide, etc. but where are the constructive messages of love of one’s folk, of family, children, mutual support between brothers, respect of our women, child education, etc.? There is a lot more to the NS concepts then destruction and death you know.

It is also that many bands are born only to spit out personal frustrations towards the world to a public already conditioned not to listen without complaining. But is there a real message behind? No. Besides vociferating Heil Hitler, white power and show off swastikas and pictures of tanks, dead jews and Nazi soldiers used a million times before, there is not much. It must be understood that if their goal is to propagate a real message in favour of NS and the race to a public who is not awakened, they will need a better tactic, because only showing off that type of imagery will only frighten them and drive them away. The mass is not receptive to this sort of thing. If you want to open their eyes to their origins it will require a brighter, cleaner message, brought up in a way that will make then think, not make them denounce you to ZOG as mentally ill. I know this sort of speech isn’t very popular for those who cannot see pass the superficial and the controversy at all cost. Even I once wrote essays that were rarely equalled in radicalism, but I learned since then that my writings often passed without any results. Some found it super radical but didn’t go further, so it served nothing positive for the race as I thought it would.

So, the growth of NSBM, as it is for pagan metal, has some good and bad. We only have to know how to pass our message through, and must be aware that we are responsible for our actions, our writings and the message we deliver. We must know what we talk about and what we portray as imagery. I have still contacts with individuals who tag themselves NS, but I am not one myself. I am first and foremost a proud white Man or European descent and awakened to his cultural and religious heritage: Traditional Odinism. NS to me is limited and is partly, part of modernism. The Nationalism concept is right wing because it is a traditional idea, but Socialism is not. The danger with socialism is that it has a tendency to expand towards grand scale humanism. Like in the traditional societies, the concept of “clans” and “tribes” was strong. The members of a clan supported each other for the survival of the clan. Socialism seems basically to promote the same thing but the jews pushed the idea and enlarged it so that there were no limits to what degree of “socialism” we should promote. It should be understood that not elements within a particular race that are worthy of support. For me, a great majority of whites should be eliminated to clear some space. After all, it is not only the color of one’s skin that makes someone an integral part of its distinctive ethnic group. There is nothing Aryan about all those “wiggers” miserable black culture wannabees. No. I am a fervent defender of ethno national tribalism. The gathering of clans or tribes with members of the same ethnic type worthy of calling themselves thus, and that are awakened to their ancestral traditions. There is the future of our race.

VOV: What’s the future of Fjord? A part from your first record, do you have any other plans? Or maybe some projects of your own that you wish to share with us?

W: Fjörd’s future is bright. We already have samplers of songs for our second and even third album made. I also have all the lyrics and basic vocal melodies for an exclusively folk album. Just acoustic guitars and folk instruments, which I would like to produce eventually. A sort of Fjörd unplugged. We have right a t-shirt produced by Deaths Abys rec. In Poland (still available), and a new model which will be produced by ODIN’S WARRIORS, a pro-heathen promotional enterprise started by Nordet and myself.

On my side, I perform in SOWILO, which is a traditional folk band with a small touch of metal. We have a few songs made which can be heard on our myspace profile. We will produce a MCD to promote the band before the release of our full album. In this I sing and play percussions and mouth harp. My wife Embla sings and plays flute, Nordet (Brumes d’automne) sings and do all the guitars, flute and his wife Marzanna sings as well and plays flute. Sowilo’s concept is very much rooted in family, the transmission of traditional values, seasonal rites, etc. The music is very shamanic and ritualized. We sing in both French and Polish. (Marzanna is polish so we honour her culture).

VOV: Before we finish, let’s speak about politics if you want. As a Québécois, what do you think about nationalism in Québec and it’s presence that is more and mor important in the Québecois metal scene? Do you believe in Québec Independance (obtained with a good political party of course)?

W: Now, here’s the 100$ question who’s answer does not always please everyone.

To properly answer that question, we must first define what Nationalism in Québec is. If we speak for example, of the Saint-Jean festival, which nowadays merely is an excuse to party, get wasted on drugs, pissed drunk, barf all over and walk around with a Lys flower painted on your forehead while wearing a Québec flag like a super hero’s cape, then I pass. There is absolutely nothing nationalist about this. It is the same with all those red leftists who manifest against the G8 and globalization, this I have nothing against, but they also manifest against one’s cultural pride, commonly known as: racism. And we know that the concept of “racism” or more exactly, the love and defence of ones people is a Traditional concept, like Nationalism is. So, they are anti-traditional which to me is inconceivable and inacceptable. Still, they dare pretend to be “patriots” and proudly Québécois. They avoid using the term nationalist because to them it is the equal to being a Nazi. That too is false nationalism.

True nationalism is found in the soul of that Man and Woman who recognizes its identity to a specific ethnic tribe (white European in origin) and assumes it proudly even if he or she lives far away from the ancestral land. It lives in the hearts of those who understood that it is not solely citizenship which makes an individual a member of a nation, and that same nation does not owe its existence to the sheer number of individuals that comprise it. All the individuals of the same nation must be linked by blood and a common culture.

Here in Qc. We dare proclaim as patriot of the year, foreign strangers like Luck Mervil, a native Haitian, thus an African in origin. And bands of white thrash like Loco Locass. To the mass, they are as fully pure québécois as you and I. So you can see that the concept of nationalism here doesn’t hold much value. As soon as a foreigner gets here we give him a contract to sign, Force him to vote “NO” at the elections (on threats of deportation), and we give him a welfare check. Here we go, a full blown 100% home grown Québécois just the colonists who fought the harsh winters and the English in the past.

Now regarding the subject of the independence of Québec. Yes I believe (Orgoth as well) that Québec should become a nation all to itself, but not through politics. In my opinion, none of the parties are trustworthy. Not the PQ, not the NPD and surely not the Liberals and even les the communist party. Some are not as bad as others but they are just that: not as bad. The old saying is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, well it is true in the case of every single one of the political parties here. The only way that I can see for us to have our independence, is through a violent armed revolution. Like in the case of most of the nations that were formed through history: through fire and blood. And with our government’s weakling, defender of the poor ethnic minorities meanwhile neglecting its own people mentality, it’s not going to happen anytime soon. I will be dead and feasting in Valhalla long before the people of Québec of European ancestry wake up and take up arms to fight for their liberty.

As for the local BM bands, it is true that the nationalist tendency grew considerably. For me the first hint of a political nationalism was in the 1999 album “Dans les bras des immortels” by Frozen Shadows. But their satanico-nihilism contradicts the idea of pride in ones cultural identity. So the first true demonstration of pride and deep rooted patriotism is found in BRUME D’AUTOMNE’s first album “Fier et Victorieux”, in 2005. Since then, the scene (I hate that term) floods with bands proclaiming national identity through their music, their album titles, etc. Some have, to me, the doubtful mix of nationalism and anti-human nihilism which is contradictory and they should clarify their position. It is like the Nazi Satanists. It is an absolute none sense. One aspires towards the light and the other down to the darkness. The superior (light) does not match well with the inferior (darkness). The Québéc scene has some good potential indeed, as long as the bands are clear on their messages and do not just follow a trend.

VOV: Once again, thanks a lot for your time. The end is yours!

W: Thank you for this interview which is the first one we do for a local magazine. Good and pertinent questions, which are not always the case. Prepare yourself for the up-coming Fjörd album; it will blow upon Midhgardhr like the storm from the north. Awaken to your Nordic pagan heritage and renounce all false decadent ideas like nihilism, atheism and Satanism which are only symptoms of modernism. Be strong in your ideals and convictions. May W.O.T.A.N. guide and guard you well. Vor Tru!

Questions by: HK and C.


Posted in Links on April 3, 2009 by voiceofvinland


Posted in Interviews on April 3, 2009 by voiceofvinland

EOG: Greetings comrade! Thanks for your time.
So lets start straight to the goal, you are involved in two bands: HEDENSK BJORN and SONN AV SKOGEN. Can you introduce your two projects to my fellow Vinlandic followers?

S: Greetings Vinland!  I can say they are two complementary bands. With HEDENSK BJORN I express my dark ideas in a war concept whereas with SONN AV SKOGEN I express my ideas in a more melancholic misanthropic issue. But these two bands represent my entirely mind and I couldn’t express all my mind with only one project.

EOG: Great! Do you have any releases done in the past and planned for the future?

S: In fact I should have released a demo with my ancient project ELVIDNIR created in 2006 but there were some problems with the label I had chosen and with the other member of the band. For the future, I decided to create for the second demo of HEDENSK BJORN a music more turned towards raw/old school black metal because I don’t want to forget my roots of course. Concerning SØNN AV SKOGEN, I will soon release a full-length and I have already a composition for the second full-length or for the future
demo. And of course my first demo of HEDENSK BJORN will soon release.

EOG: How long have you been involved in black metal? Did you have any projects before?

S: In fact I’ve been involved in black metal for a few years only because I was involved in thrash metal before which was my first extreme music interest. Of course, I tried to found a thrash metal band without success. I started listening black metal a few years after and I discovered that the philosophy suited me better. Indeed, the philosophy of this music is more extreme, more hateful and above all more clever. Then of course, I decided to create my projects when I was sure that my ideas were mature enough. You could say I’m a perfectionist lol because I could have released more demos and earlier. But I had of course ELVIDNIR before HEDENSK BJORN and SAS.

EOG: So we can say that you didn’t wanted to start a band like all the other ”pseudo-satanist infants” that pollutes the scene these days?

S: Yes and I could tell about this for a long while lol. I think when you are not ready, it isn’t useful to found a band. I think of all the bands which exist and are totally useless. They are too many pseudo black metal bands nowadays. As you say, there are pseudo-satanist infants but not only them. There are also pseudo-heathen infants who found a pseudo-heathen band to follow a trend without knowing the real meaning of heathenism. Sometimes they confuse satanism and heathenism or peace&love and heathen black metal. I can’t name all these bands because they are really a lot. But they are ridiculous and I kick’em all!

EOG: I Agree at a 100% on that!

You were also involved in Quebecan radical black metal band KVAATHAN, playing acoustic guitars in his first album as a session member. How was your collaboration with him and why did you choose to collaborate?

S: Oops I had forgotten and I’m very sorry. I thought only of my two personal projects but not of this great project because it was really great to collaborate with Herr Kvaathan. In fact he was searching for a guitarist for acoustic guitar parts and I liked his music. That’s why I proposed him to play these parts. Of course he agreed. We communicate a lot together and there is a good understanding and I don’t regret to have taken part in his first album.

By the way,  I can also tell I took part for lyrics in German of a song of the Ukrainian band MOLOCH in the 3-way split Unser Krieg with Iron Youth 88 and 88 because I don’t want to forget anything else. It was also a great collaboration with Pr Sergiy.

EOG: Nice indeed! You seem really musically involved.
With that in mind, we can say that you seem sympathetic towards the radical black metal movement. Where do you stand in the scene? Do you consider yourself a part of NSBM, or NSBM friendly or do you consider yourself more into the traditional side of the scene?

S: I don’t like labels in fact. I don’t consider really myself a part of NSBM but you can say I’m NSBM friendly by my collaborations indeed. I’m really radical and without compromise in the lyrics of my projects but I consider I belong to an older mind than NS philosophy.  I claim of course I’m nationalist, for a rebirth of our people and proud of my hyperborean roots. I fight against the only mind which condemn my comments and I will always defend my ideas all my life.

EOG: Besides that, what fuels HEDENSK BJORN and SAS (any bands, artists or books?)

S: In fact Germanic history battles, war and Norse beliefs fuel HEDENSK BJORN essentially. If you take “Krieg für die Ehre” for example, the lyrics tell about war. If you take “Mankind punished by the return of the ancient gods”, the lyrics allude to the Wild Hunt which unfolds from the winter solstice
and during a dozen of nights. If you take “Hermann le Chérusque”, the lyrics tell Arminius’ history, Germanic hero against the Romans who distinguished himself in particular at the battle of Teutoburg Forest in 9AD. Musically, HEDENSK BJORN is very influenced by heathen black metal bands like
Graveland, Odal, Bilskirnir or Wolfsmond for some songs but also by raw/old school black metal bands like old Darkthrone, old Gorgoroth, Sargeist or Satanic Warmaster. Personal mind fuels SAS with melancholy, antichristianity and misanthropy. “Pagans’ death”, for example tells about the holocaust of the heathen people killed by the Church and Christians seem to deny this fact. SAS tells also a lot of the people who forgot its roots. Musically, old Nargaroth, old Nocturnal Depression, Grimlair with heathen
elements and old school black metal are the influences of SAS. In SAS there is an atmosphere of nature elements by the way.

EOG: Will one of your projects ever play live?

S: Not for the moment but HEDENSK BJORN will soon. I’ve found all the musicians for concert sessions and I hope I will play live in Spring or Summer 2009. Concerning SAS I don’t want to play live because the concept of the band is more personal and is not suitable for gigs.

EOG: Perfect! Now, the end is yours.

S: I want to tell you: No place for trends, fakes and posers in black metal scene!!!!


Interview with Herr Winter of AK.

Posted in Interviews on April 3, 2009 by voiceofvinland

EOG: Hailsa Winter! Let’s go all the way. When was AK started and what were the motivations behind that project?

W: Hailsa! Well the project was started in the cold winter months of 2008 and the motivation was a bit special. I was searching for a person who would help me out with another project and so I found Kvaathan who also wanted to start a sideproject so A.K. was formed.

EOG: You guys released your first demo ”Vernichtungsfeldzug” back in August 2008. How was it received among the UG. Did you get any feedbacks?

W: Yeah we got, until now a single review on the Webzine called “Schlachtenruf” and it was quite good and I also got some personal feedbacks, which can be called “positive”.

EOG: How do you perceive that demo? Is it 100% satisfactory or do you think it could have been better? Any favorite tracks from it?

W: Hmm well, as musicians there are allways ways to do it better because first, this is just a Demo but we tried to do the best possible in the way we wanted it to sound and that was perfect. Favourite track was odium for me because it has this melodically feeling mixed with rock elements.

EOG: I’ve heard that you guys are working on a full length album. Any details about it? When can we expect to hear it, title etc…?

W: Indeed we are working on our first full lenght album entitled “Mirror of Obliteration” the cover is also in progress by Njard who also did many famous covers of bands like Absurd,Luror,Horna etc.The first song the public will hear will be “Cold blows the wind of War”…dates cant be told yet, but further infos will follow as soon as possible on our homepage which will also get a new adress soon.

EOG: Good. What are the main influences behind your part of AK? Any artists or Works worthy to be called ”influences” for you?

W: As vocalist i do not have any influences but to name some bands i would call influences for me….Darkthrone,Satans Elite Kommando etc. well we hear many bands of course but in generally were about to create our own style.

EOG: Well, that’s about it. The end is yours!

W: Thank you for the short interview! And the warfare will continue… W.

Official website:

Interview with Svartr Sturm

Posted in Interviews on April 3, 2009 by voiceofvinland

EOG: Hailsa! Svartr Sturm is a relatively unknown NSBM one-man band that will surely make his mark real soon, for the sake of our readers, can you give us a brief history of your band?

S: Hailsa! I’ve started my project Svartr Sturm in beginning of 2008 during winter. I never really enjoyed or wanted to play with other people or band before so I finally got a program to work with. I knew where i was going. This, Svartr Sturm, was growing for years in my heart.

EOG: You recently released your first album ”Radikal View for a Better Day”, can you tell us how the process went with the composing/recording? What does that album represent to you?

S: I’ve started to record the album with basic material. It came out exactly as I wanted to, cold & hateful. Then, the rest came by itself, it took 5 months of free time (working full time) to record it. This album means a lot to me, more than words can express.

EOG: That album got released through Oldenblood Productions, how did you came out to work with that label? Is the way it was done satisfactory?

S: When the recording was done, I was seeking for a label to release the first album. Got turned down by some, until I found Oldenblood Productions who was looking for bands, we got in contact and it went pretty fast from there. He took care of the productions and the promo. I am more than satisfied and pleased with all his help and support.

EOG: As it was said earlier, Svartr Sturm is a NSBM band, what do you think of the whole NSBM scene? Any bands that can be deemed as great influences to you?

S: When I first got into black metal I was influenced by bands like Darkthrone (early), Burzum, Bathory, Marduk etc… I already had a NS background these days but was more into anti-christianity. My ideology got more and more radikal every year. I knew that in NSBM there is no place for j*w*sh loving whores. I knew where I belong. At side with my comrades.

EOG: Do you think NSBM is the best way to express your ideas?

S: Indeed, NSBM is the best way to express myself. I’m always filled with pride as I remember the great German struggle. Their sacrifice for our race, our nation, their will to crush our enemies. We have to raise high the banner that sometimes ago they lifted out of nothingness.

EOG: You recently joined the Vinland Front if I’m correct, how did you came accross that movement? What do you think about the other bands involved?

S:  Since the first time I’ve heard about the VF, I found the idea really brilliant and more than needed. They have contacted me to know if I was interested to join the movement. I was more than glad to be apart of the VF. United with some of the most radikal black metal bands in Vinland.

EOG: What’s next for Svartr Sturm? Any future plans?

S: Well, I am already working on new songs for a second album next year.

EOG: Thanks for your time! the end is all yours.

S: 14/88 Stay Strong!

Fjord – Vinlandic Northern Heritage

Posted in Reviews on April 3, 2009 by voiceofvinland

From the Quebecan soil comes this folk metal duo (consisting of Wodansson and Orgoth) named Fjord. To take an easy path, those who like bands such as Isengard, Storm, Naastrand and even Bathory (Viking era) will surely find their music more than appealing. While it is easily comparable to such bands, Fjord’s music has a completely different spirit: The spirit of Vinland.

In Wodansson’s drum pounding and Viking-ish voice you can hear the pride, strength and honor that accompanies Orgoth’s amazing guitar riffs. To some it up, VNH will awaken the warrior spirit in you and fill you with great pride. Stand out track:  Odin’s Wrath.

Opfer Rassenhass – Fierté Ancestrale

Posted in Reviews on April 3, 2009 by voiceofvinland

This album was released years ago, but it still has the same effects on me at every listen. OR is a band that surely doesn’t fit into the ambiguous side of the NS scene their message is clear. And they do spread that message with some top-notch black metal music. This is a perfect example of a quality NS band: great production for a really good form of music that accompanies a really radical ideology. Music wise, the band claims to be influenced by bands such as Graveland (early) and Pantheon and this record proves their point. However, don’t expect a copy, this is merely in the essence.

With Fierté Ancestrale they surely established some standards for the movement. All through this album you will find great and almost technical riffs, shrieking vocals that could make any other black metal singer feel tiny in their pants and an amazing drumming section brilliantly performed by Dark Massacre. There is certainly nothing fake here. And in my humble opinion, many bands from Vinland should have a listen to that album and take example on it.

Good points: the production, clean but still underground, and it doesn’t remove anything from the music on the opposite of most bands with clean productions. The songs, half of the album is in French while the other is in English, which allows their message to be spread universally.

Bad point: the album’s length. While this might not bother some people, I am of those who think that an album should not be more than 40 minutes in order to keep the listeners attention. However, Opfer’s album trespass that length and thus, I tend to lose the interest near the end.

Overall this is a great record that will please the most extreme black metal fans. If you like your music to be accompanied by hardcore beliefs then this is a must buy! Weak minded people should avoid this though…
